Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 81 081: Garden Of Secrets II

When Cole stepped into the attic he was a little confused by what he was seeing. It wasn\'t that it wasn\'t an attic per say, it was just that it looked like some grisly version of a fight club that had gone wrong.r

There were desiccate remains of monsters all over the place and it was taking all of Cole\'s energy to not just bend over and throw up over what he was seeing. He had no idea what was going on here, but it was a whole lot more than just farming and Winemaking, and while Cole was willing to dig a little deeper, he was not too keen on what would probably be waiting for him at the end of the rabbit hole, he shook his head and gave the attic another Thorough look.r

There were cages that were ripped open, their bars hanging off in different directions looking as if something powerful had ripped it apart to get out, or with the amount of blood and the pieces of remains he saw, perhaps it was something that had actually tried to get in, and it shook him a little bit more than he would ever be able to admit.r

Cole left the attic, Morgan was right where he left him, and there didn\'t seem to have been any sort of altercation in the time that he has been gone. He got down to the ground, with Morgan jumping over the balcony to land behind him. Cole took a deep breath, but even if he was in front of a garden the only scent that assailed his senses was one of rot and decay. r

It made absolutely no sense as everything behind the house actually looked really green, the hedges to the garden was so tall that they even dwarfed Cole himself by a significant amount, and there were interwove with vines that carried blue, yellow and red roses and a varsity of different flowers.r

Yet there was no perfect scent, it was just something that was extremely stomach churning and let a rather sickly sweet taste at the back of the throat. Cole moved forward, keeping his guard up as he moved through the hedge garden, while he would very much love to get the Serpentis out of the way by flanking and attacking it, Cole wasn\'t so sure he would be successful with that.r

He moved through the hedges, paying attention to it as he noticed that with each step that he took he noticed that the hedges rippled. It was weird, but then so was everything that had to do with this whole event. Eventually he came to an intersection where a hedge had been trimmed to look like a woman on her knees. The art was almost too accurate a depiction as there were even facial lines to it.r

Cole took a step forward and brought his face level with that of the hedge sculpture. He observed it closely for a while, trying to figure out whether he was looking at a woman made with a bush/leaves, or he was looking at woman who was turned into a hedge statue. He sighed, shaking his head as he contemplated having lost his mind. Then hedge woman opened her eyes and stared right back at him, causing Cole to let out a shocked yelp as he fell back on his ass and scrambled back up to his feet.r

The eyeball shook every which way, rolling left and right, looking pained and sore as it finally landed on Cole. Then the face of the hedge woman as Cole quickly coined her quickly grew a pair of mouths, a literal pair as they both began speaking in different dissonant voices.r

"Help me! Help her! Help us!"r

They both kept saying those words interchangeably, and it freaked Cole out as he stretched out his hands onto the hedges in order to grab them and pull himself up. However in that very moment, a hand made from leaves grabbed onto him as a face appeared, that of man etched in a rictus snarl of pain and anguish.r

"Help me! Help them! Help us!" Cole backed away, as Morgan snapped at the hedge man? It was almost as if he was in some sort of nightmare as his back hit the hedge behind him, however he felt a sharp. Pain which made him turn around.r

A child was there, wailing with an extremely chilling voice, thorns spreading out of the place where it\'s eyes used to be. Cole pulled out Black Malakai and began to press forwards, going past the hedge women and their dissonant voices, as more and more of the hedge seemed to come alive to torture his life.r

Or at the very least torture, if they hedges did not start becoming so frantic to the point that people were popping out of the hedges and attacking him and Morgan. It was a crazy experience as thorn whips came flying towards his head and body.r

And at first it was just small vines, but soon enough they were bunched up thickly enough that they were even bruising bones. He rushed forwards even harder, having no other choice but to ride on Morgan as they went forwards. Eventually they popped out of the hedge into a well made cobbled street that led up to the factory. r

From this point on the scent in the air had turned into that of cheap wine and a sort of frothy grass like scent. Cole suspected that should be beer, but then again he didn\'t have much experience with any of those things if not for the knowledge he had now received.r

They rode up to the doors and noticed that slightly ajar, and it looked as if someone was just in, as laying to the sides were a pair of silvers chains and a padlock.r

" well that is not creepy at all." Cole said to himself as he pushed the doors open and walked in, right into a tray of screeching bat that flew past his body, making sure to leave cuts behind as they escaped into the evening.r

Cole shrugged and dusted himself off as he took in the full sight of the factory. There were hundreds of barrels, really massive barrels the size of fuel truck, spread across the entire factory. And as it seemed to be the norm on the floor, every building was bigger on the inside than it seemed on the outside.r

The next thing Cole noticed from the gloom were the footprints of the dust covered floor, and there was quite a lot of it too. He walked forwards a bit and noticed the small shuffling sounds that was already across the entire factory, and it wasn\'t too long after that a zombie shuffled into view from behind a massive barrel, dragging a barber wire sewn I to the intestines hanging out of his body, and dragging another body along with it.r

And then that\'s when the smell hit him, it was a smell of death and rot, and all of a sudden the atmosphere just seemed to become a little bit colder than when Cole first stepped into it.r

"So now we have zombies to contend with I honestly did not expect shit like this to happen, but its okay, let\'s just chuck it as another day in the life of Cole Night." Cole said to himself in derision as a voice answered him.r

"Those are not zombies, not exactly anyways…. What you see in front of you are the spirit of the damned, manifested in a summoning ritual to be used as ingredients to make a wine that can reverse death. They\'re very dangerous, way more than an actual zombie."r

Cole turned, but he couldn\'t find the source of the voice, even though it was almost as if the person who had spoken had been right besides him, and no it was absolutely not Morgan as the person had sounded mature, with a deep baritone that made you rumble from the soles of your feet to the top of your head.r

"Who\'s there?" Cole asked out loud, but there was not response just as there was no one in sight. He turned to Morgan but the Mechanoid Direwolf shook it\'s massive head as a way to tell it\'s master that he had not noticed anything.r

Cole pulled out his rifle and began to move forwards, taking another Isle in between the massive barrels. To avoid interaction with the Spirit of the damned as it was so aptly described by someone else. He noticed there were signs of damage and alter action within the fa Tory, apart from skid marks where someone or something had been dragged, many of the barrels were ripped apart and drained of their contents, evidence of which was the massive dried wine stain covering most of the factory floors.r

Some of the barrels themselves had been smashed to pieces with absolutely no way to salvage them. It was a worrying sight, but none of that was strong enough to prepare Cole for what he came face to face with next. Even he couldn\'t of help it as he took three steps backwards and said.r

"My God!..... what happened here?"r

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