Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 80 080: Interlude I



Aleron Highwater was one of the last breeds of people from the British empire that were known as true nobles. He had been knighted for his contributions into creating technology that could viably mine water in frigid and I hospitable planets and shockingly enough from asteroids in space.

He had gone up the peerage from there and ended up one of the most powerful man on Earth during his era. But Earth was just too small a place for him, it was too constrained in it\'s ways, he felt that the earth was now being ushered into a new era of seemingly endless resources, and humans were being rather coy about it.

So he gathered his fortune and spent a whole ten and a half years building a space station out of his \'territory\'. He had been granted lands by the British empire, and guide excavated it in it\'s entirety and shot it up into the sky, and then further into outer space, shocking the rest of the world by his sheer temerity and balls.

But he was a genius, and he also had quite a few geniuses around him who also beloved in his cause. And hundreds of thousands of fools who believed in the bollocks he sold them. They became an independent and sovereign state, an act of rebellion that did not sit too kindly with the British empire, or the rest of the world as there were no rogue elements allowed in space.

Aleron fashioned himself a king, and went about ruling as one would expect a king from 16 to 18th century to rule…. Without wisdom. And while his colony in space was almost completely self sufficient, especially with it\'s ability to mine water from Asteroids and other world\'s, it still lacked a lot of essentials, and yes there were many geniuses around Aleron, but he did not have all the fields covered.

In a news that would shock the rest of the world, or in this case the universe, Aleron Highwater died at the file ages of 107, a man that was still fit, strong, and due to all his cybernetic and biological enhancement would have been able to live for another 50 to 70 years. He died…. Of Malaria.

If evolution had taught humanity anything, it was that it was just humans who could adapt and evolve to their situations. And animals, insects and diseases do it a lot faster than mankind. During his final years, Aleron Highwater turned to piracy as a way to get the materials and items his colony packs, chief amongst them being medicine and research into new strains of viruses and bacteria that had come to life within his colony and was now spreading like a plague.

He did manage to get many of the outbreaks under control, but he died before being able to save himself, and left everything to his 13 children, who then proceeded to tear themselves apart as they struggled for succession. Their piracy had already turned many of the Earth\'s government against them, and none more so than the British empire who\'s own carved out piece of land was what became the core foundation for Aleron\'s Colony, an act that till this day no one has been able to replicate.

British rule came in after making a deal with a pair of the siblings. They took over everything, settled the fights, then promptly distanced themselves away from the colony, calling it a failed state and a mistake, then the world changed and more and more projects became space bound.

​ By forgetting the Highwater colony, even with it\'s ability to be a way station to supply water to other colonies, they left them to their devices. The common people suffered, Turing the colony lawless and broken, it continued it\'s pirate ways, improving it\'s technology to included Colony wide cloaking tech for both the colony and it\'s ships. They were hidden and they were dangerous, terrorists and brigands, but Today something else was happening.

Vasilios Highwater was the last of his family line, and for many years he has been denied his birth right, but not anymore. He turned his head to look at the Real life Cradle within his bed room. This was way more important than the paltry ten lives, they had received during the event.

With this right in the real world he could be killed and brought back to life as many times as possible. And it was what had won him this war, and it is what would win him colonies and planets. The process with which he used to bring this into the waking world was absolutely replicable, and he would have hundreds of thousands of these at his neck and call, an u dying army to sweep away the rest of the universe and bring it under his rule, not to mention the powers and abilities and items they can bring back to the real world with them.

"Your highness, the feed is up and the whole universe is ready for you sire." A voice called out to him, bringing a soft smile on his face as he got up to his full height.

Vasilios Highwater was full circle Iron ranked Aspirant, with his chosen stat already inching ever closer to the silver rank. He had recently changed his race into a diminutive demon that had so much potential for growth, his analysts even believe that it could possibly grow stronger than the Diamond rank.

Either way he was very powerful, all too powerful for anyone in the universe to stop him. He was ranked number 1 and soon he would become number 1 in this world. He walked through the balls of the manor he was in and came out on a wide balcony. Hundreds of drones attached to multiple news stations hung in the air in front of him.

There were millions gathered in the square below, people who have been bathed in fire and forged in iron. Some of the most powerful and most dangerous individuals in the Galaxy, and now it was time for the rest of the universe to know it.

A man and his family were bound hand and foot on the ground in front of him, they were bloody and they have shed their fair share of tears in the agony that he had visited their fake and unworthy household. They were not fit for his great grandfather\'s throne, they will pay for the disrespect they have shown.

"Earth…. I greet you, and I thank you for your presence here today….. though I\'d imagine it\'s not one in which you had a choice in attending."

He paused…. Vasilios was enjoying himself. He was a man with power, he saw it, he felt it. The way they all hung on to his every word, he way the air itself seemed to vibrate in anticipation with whatever he had to say.

"My name is Vasilios Gaspard Aleron Highwater. Last of the Highwater bloodline and True heir to the throne of the Highwater colony, but you people! Earth! You have denied me my birthright.

You took away the one thing that belonged to my family, a culmination of man\'s life\'s work that should have passed on to his children, to his true heirs. The first born son, of a first born son, of a first born son.

Because of your choices I had to grow up scared for my life, scraping by in the streets of lands that would be mine by birth right why my leaders prattle on in a mockery of leadership! You earth! And mewling joke of leaders taught me hate! And you taught me the true power in control…. And now I\'m going to show you everything I have learnt, and then you will lay the consequences."

Lightning began to sizzle and dance through his finger tips, his eyes seemed to turn red as he turned upon the family huddled together and exposed for the entire universe to see.

"My family\'s crown should never have been placed on your unworthy head….and you should never have killed my mother you bastards….now die."

Vasilios let go, his control over his lightning was paltry. It had alive of it\'s own, like a being living within the confines of his own flesh. It just wanted to spread out and swallow everything, and it did just that, shocking the two gay partners that were a mockery of a king and queen, and their two young daughters. Fiona and Greta… age 4 and 7.

Vasilios burned them, he burned them well and with great joy until all that was left was a steaming pile of burnt flesh. He shuddered, feeling pleasure and a bit of release as he bent down and picked up a crown from the smoldering remains.

It sizzled in his palm, but he bore the pain and raised the crown high into the air. There was a cacophony of screams from the people below, the he pointed the crown in the direction of the drones and raised it up into the air.

"Now earth and all of its holdings, I am coming for you, I am coming for everything you stand for until you all are beneath my feet, beholden to the glory of a true monarch! Now all of you!..... Hail your King!"





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