The Spider Queen

Chapter 590

Chapter 590: A Sad Farewell

(Insectoid Empire- Lo’vrean Galaxy)

(Unknown Location- Prison R-812)

The heavy scent of blood hung in the air. Thai’lle stood in the middle of the corpses with eyes that were completely crimson.

With every step that she took, cracks appeared on the ground and her six blade-like appendages slowly swayed from side to side almost like snakes.

The former princess glanced at her hands that were covered in the blood of the dead Tyrieons and raised her fingers to her lips.

She licked the black blood and tasted it before an expression of disgust flashed across her face.

These useless things didn’t even have any proper nutrients…

Sophie floated over to her body and extended her hand outwards until her fingers touched her mother’s cheek.

“Ahh… my baby… did you see how I dealt with them?” Thai’lle smiled gently as she saw her daughter once again appear out of thin air.

“You must never treat your enemies with mercy. Always remember that the universe is a harsh and dangerous place.”

“Your prey can never be given a chance to escape your grasp.”

“Mom… are you often attacked?” Sophie asked softly with concern evident in her voice.

“Hmm… not as much as before. My reputation has spread across the prison, so I only get bothered by the new guys who don’t know any better,” Thai’lle replied casually.

“They rarely use their brains… I remember one in particular was under the impression that I had a planet to myself just because I used to be a princess.”

“Like the scum in here would care… don’t worry though… I eventually corrected his false assumption when he decided to pay me a ‘welcome’ visit…”

Thai’lle lips gently curved upwards as the bloodlust surrounding her body got even heavier. Sophie’s body trembled involuntarily as she felt the intense pressure.

It was like she was standing before an apex predator. Her mom in her berserker state was genuinely terrifying in a way that was hard to describe.

Thai’lle noticed that her daughter shivered slightly and quickly withdrew her aura so that Sophie wouldn’t get scared.

The last thing that she wanted was for her precious baby to be afraid of her.

It had been quite some time since she bothered to control her bloodlust, so she was a bit rusty when it came to stopping herself once she got in the mood.

Thai’lle took in a few deep breaths and then the crimson tide gradually receded to reveal her normal golden eyes.

“Sorry about that honey. I didn’t mean to… Sophie?!” Thai’lle voice abruptly cut off as she stared at her daughter in shock.

Sophie looked down and saw her body fading in and out of existence. There was something tugging on her stomach as if it wanted to pull her somewhere.

This feeling got more painful the longer she resisted but Sophie clenched her teeth and tried her best to stay in the moment.

Her mom was right there… there were so many things that she needed to talk to her about.

She hadn’t told her about her university life, growing up on planet Gaia, her experiences in the Unovan Syndicate…

“Just give me some more time…” Sophie groaned painfully as she felt as though her body was being torn apart.

“Sophie are you okay?” Thai’lle exclaimed in shock as she hurriedly reached for her daughter only to see her hands pass through her ghostly form.

“Mom… I think my astral body is returning to the amulet space… I don’t know… I’m trying to stop it… urghhh…” Sophie muttered in a hoarse tone.

“I… it’s too strong… Mom… I… I LOVE YOU!”

Those were the last words that Sophie managed to say before she disappeared from the spot leaving her mother alone in a field of corpses.

“I love you too…” Thai’lle softly whispered as she stretched out her hand and touched the air where her daughter had been just moments ago.





(Alpha Star System- Planet Gaia)

(Peterlor Estate- Sophie’s Bedroom)

“Mom?!” Sophie shouted loudly as she opened her eyes and found herself back in her bedroom.

Wait… what just happened? Why was she back here?

The hybrid girl cautiously got up from the ground and stumbled slightly as her foot got caught on the rug.

She could hear the sounds of water falling coming from the bathroom attached to her living quarters which meant that Cleo was still showering.

Sophie powered on her wrist communicator and checked the time. Only a few minutes had passed since she had sat down and mediated.

But she had clearly spent over half an hour with her mother…

Did time work differently because they were so many light years apart? Or was there another reason that had to do with the amulet itself?

Sophie didn’t know but there was something that she had to do urgently. She got into her bed and closed her eyes.

The hybrid girl focused on the qi that was running through her meridians and eventually her consciousness sunk into the amulet on her chest.

Sophie opened her eyes and discovered that she was once again floating in the endless black void.

There was the familiar sight of the stone tablet hovering in the middle of the space, but Sophie couldn’t care less about it right now.

She quickly turned in the direction where she had seen the two faint humanoid outlines made from stardust and found…


Both outlines had disappeared as if they were something that she had just made up.

If it wasn’t for Sophie’s enhanced memory, she would have thought that her encounter with her mother had just been a dream.

Okay she needed to think about what had just happened.

Clearly based on her previous encounters with her aunt, there was a connection that existed between the practitioners of the ‘Spider Whisper Art’.

They were able to access the space inside the amulets known as the Stars of Ethnaise and her mom was able to confirm her identity based on her qi.

Now somehow, she was able to teleport to her mom’s side in an astral form when she touched her outline.

But now the outlines were gone.

Sophie frowned slightly since she didn’t know how they mysteriously appeared, nor did she know how to get them to come back.

At times like this she really wished that she could speak to her aunt Rai’lle but her relative had not entered her space for months now.

“Well… I shouldn’t be ungrateful,” Sophie muttered quietly to herself as she floated in the void.

It had actually been an unexpected blessing to be able to see her mother even though she was entire galaxies away.

Seeing the woman who gave birth to her made Sophie’s chest feel warm and fuzzy. Her mom was just as amazing and badass as she always dreamed that she was.

Hopefully she would one day be able to visit her once more.

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